Laundry (Sakanan) — 04

បន្ទាប់មកទៀតចូលមកដល់រូបភាពទីនៅក្នុងរូបភាពទីយើងឃើញបុរសម្នាក់នោះ គាត់កំពុងតែរំលែកខោអាវចេញជាពីរ បាទ គាត់កំពុងតែរំលែកខោអាវ ដោយគាត់បែងចែកខោអាវនោះ ដោយគាត់យកអាវដាក់មួយឡែក និងអាវពណ៌ដាក់មួយឡែក អញ្ចឹងយើងឃើញនៅក្នុងរូបភាពនេះ គាត់កំពុងតែដាក់កន្ត្រកខោអាវនៅលើតុមួយ ដែលមានកម្ពស់ត្រឹមចង្កេះរបស់គាត់ បន្ទាប់មកគាត់យកដៃរបស់គាត់ចាប់រំលែកខោអាវ ដោយគាត់រើសយកពណ៌ដាក់ម្ខាងនិងខោអាវពណ៌ដាក់ម្ខាង អញ្ចឹងយើងឃើញរូបនេះ គឺគាត់យកខោអាវដាក់ទៅខាងឆ្វេងដៃរបស់គាត់ ចំណែកឯខាងខោអាវពណ៌ គឺនៅខាងស្ដាំដៃរបស់គាត់ គាត់ធ្វើបែបនេះគឺដើម្បីកុំឲ្យមានការច្រឡូកច្រឡំគ្នារវាងអាវនិងអាវពណ៌ ព្រោះថាប្រសិនបើយើងបោកខោអាវអាវពណ៌ជាមួយនឹងអាវច្របូកច្របល់គ្នា វាអាចនឹងប្រឡាក់អាវ ព្រោះពេលខ្លះអាវពណ៌វាអាចនឹងចេញពណ៌ ដូចជាយើងពាក់ខោអាវពណ៌ខៀវ ពេល[ដែល]យើងបោក គឺវាអាចចេញពណ៌ដែលគេជ្រលក់ នៅពេលដែលជ្រលក់ថ្នាំអត់ល្អ គឺវាចេញពណ៌នៅពេលដែលយើងបោក អញ្ចឹងប្រសិនបើយើងបោកជាមួយអាវ ពណ៌នោះអាចនឹងចេញមកប្រឡាក់អាវជាក់ជាមិនខាន ដូច្នេះហើយបុរសម្នាក់នោះ គាត់ក៏បានរំលែកខោអាវចេញជាពីរចំណែក ដោយយកអាវបោកផ្សេង និងខោអាវពណ៌បោកផ្សេង

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បន្ទាប់មក bɑntoap mɔɔk next, then, afterwards, later
ទៀត tiət 1. again, still, more, further, yet, additional
2. to be different, other
ចូល coul 1. to enter, go in, penetrate
2. to approach
3. to reach
4. to begin, set in
5. may indicate the adverbial meaning of ‘inwardly’ or ‘forwardly’ directed movement
6. to enter into, subscribe to, contribute to
7. to take in (as revenue)
8. to mate (of animals)
9. to go into a trance (of a medium)
10. to possess (as a spirit possesses a medium)
11. to agree with
មកដល់ mɔɔk dɑl to arrive at, come to
រូបភាព ruup pʰiep 1. image, picture, drawing, photo
2. appearance, form, shape
ទី tii 1. particle used to form ordinal numbers
2. spot, place, location
3. rank, function, service
នៅ nɨv 1. in, at
2. to be located at, to live in or at, to reside, to stay, to be in
3. still, yet (pre-verbal marker of a durative or continuative aspect, as a final particle in the tag question ហើយឬនៅ it means 'yet' and as a reply to a question of this kind, it means 'not yet') {ញ៉ាំអីហើយនៅ? = Have you eaten already?}
ក្នុង knoŋ 1. in, inside
2. during + (time word)
យើង yəəŋ 1. we
2. I (familiar)
3. in final position used to refer to 'our Cambodian ...' {ទុរេនកំពតយើងមែន? = Kampot durian (from our country, Cambodia), right?}
ឃើញ kʰəəɲ 1. to see, to perceive
2. to understand, to recognize
3. គិត ... ឃើញ = to find a solution, figure out, solve
4. to come to a conclusion, realize, understand
បុរស boʔrɑh man, male person
ម្នាក់ mneak 1. one person (contraction of មួយនាក់)
2. alone
នោះ nuh 1. that, those (often serves simply to emphasize something already referred to or something distant in time or space)
2. then
គាត់ koat 1. he/him/his
2. she/her
3. they/them/their (formal/polite 3rd person pronoun)
4. you/your (intimate)
កំពុងតែ kɑmpuŋ tae to be in the process of (doing something)
រំលែក rumlɛɛk 1. to divide, subdivide
2. to separate
3. to spread out
4. to decentralize
5. to share (e.g., someone's confidence)
6. to support
7. to tap, draw off
ខោអាវ kʰao ʔaav clothes, clothing
ចេញ cəɲ 1. to go out, leave, emerge, exit
2. to issue, bring out, come out (of a publication)
3. to emit, utter
4. out, off, away (also figuratively) {ខ្ញុំគិតអត់ចេញ = I can't figure it out}
5. to pay out, pay for, lay out (money), spend
6. to gain, earn, save
7. to play (a card)
ជា cie 1. to be (equal to), to be as
2. to be well, in good health, recovered
3. to be effective (of medicines)
ពីរ pii, pɨl two
បាទ baat male politeness particle, also used to answer in the affirmative, or agree to or acknowledge a statement
ដោយ daoy 1. by, with, along
2. (indicator of an adverb) in a ... manner
3. because
បែងចែក baeŋ caek 1. to divide, separate
2. to dismember
3. to differentiate
យក yɔɔk 1. to take (in one's hand or with oneself), hold
2. when ordering: I’ll take, I’ll have {យកបបរគ្រឿងសាច់ជ្រូកម៉ាចាន = I’ll have a bowl of pork porridge}
3. to take (away)
4. to steal
5. to bring
6. to borrow
7. to get, obtain, achieve
អាវ ʔaav shirt, blouse, coat, upper garment
sɑɑ color: white
ដាក់ dak 1. to put, place
2. to deposit
3. to add (ingredients)
4. to set (e.g., a trap)
5. to establish
6. to assign
7. to locate, settle, station
8. to lock up
9. to fasten
10. to use
11. to strike, hit hard
12. to affect
13. to subject someone to
14. to be hard hit, suffer a setback
15. to have bad luck, cause bad luck
16. to feel unwell, have an upset stomach (especially after eating certain fruits)
17. to contract for
18. to subscribe to
19. to renounce (a throne)
20. to put aside (religious vows)
21. in, into, on
22. to eat, drink
23. to kneel
24. command to an elephant to kneel by bending the rear legs
មួយ muəy 1. one {មួយៗ = one by one}
2. one person/myself {សុំចេញមួយ = Please let me [go] out!} {សុំទៅមួយ = Please give way [for me one person]!} {សុំចុះមួយ = Please let me [one person] get off [the bus]!}
ឡែក laek 1. to be separate, apart, isolated
2. to be special, specific
3. separate section/piece/place
និង nɨŋ and
ពណ៌ poa color, complexion
អញ្ចឹង ʔɑɲcəŋ 1. in that case, so, then, therefore
2. like this/that
3. this/that much
នេះ nih 1. this, these
2. often serves simply to emphasize something already referred to or something nearby in time or space
កន្ត្រក kɑntrɑɑk market basket, woven bag {កន្ត្រកខោអាវ = laundry basket}
Notes: ជើង ត
លើ ləə 1. up, on, over, above
2. to be on, over, above, located on top
3. in regard to, concerning, toward, for, against
តុ tok 1. table, desk
2. small plate on legs for fruit or dessert
Notes: irregular pronunciation
ដែល dael 1. who, whom, which, where, when
2. of/to/in/at which/whom
3. the fact/reason that
4. ever, happened to, having done at least once, having been to, already, always, had occasion to, have ever {អត់ដែលដឹងសោះ = I’ve never known this!}
មាន mien 1. to have, possess, own
2. to exist, there is, there are
3. to be rich, own property
4. indicates the accomplishment of an action, to happen to, to have occasion to
Notes: in spoken Khmer, negated មាន (មិនមាន or គ្មាន) can be contracted into មាន, e.g., មានអ្នកណាចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there's nobody who wants to meet you’ — contrast this with the affirmative: មានគេចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there’s somebody who wants to meet you’
កម្ពស់ kɑmpʊəh height
ត្រឹម trəm 1. (precisely) at
2. up to, as far as
3. to be exact, accurate, precise, clear-cut
4. to be honest
5. to be true, correct, to be proper
6. accurately, precisely
ចង្កេះ cɑŋkeh hip, waist
របស់ rɔbɑh 1. object, thing, belonging, property
2. of, belonging to
ដៃ day 1. arm, hand
2. handle, lever, crank
3. branch (of a tree, bamboo, or a river), offshoot
4. tendril
5. trunk (of an elephant)
6. sleeve
7. steering wheel
8. clf. for handfuls of young rice plants/grass
9. clf. for slaps
10. command to an elephant not to move its trunk or not to pull up something with its trunk
11. clf. for a bunch of 10 areca nuts
ចាប់ cap 1. to catch, capture, seize, grasp, get
2. to receive (e.g., a radio or television broadcast)
3. to select
4. clf. for handfuls
5. to begin to, undertake, start
6. to be painful
រើស rəəh 1. to choose, to select, to separate, to pick up (an unclaimed object), to collect
2. choosy, finicky
ម្ខាង mkʰaaŋ 1. one side, one (of a pair)
2. at/on one side, at the other side
Notes: contraction of មួយខាង
រូប ruup 1. image, picture, body, figure, shape, portrait, statue
2. clf. for respected people, monks, pictures, statues
គឺ kɨɨ 1. to be (equal to)
2. as follows, namely
ទៅ tɨv 1. to go (away from the speaker in space or time), to go to/towards, go on, continue, advance, go away
2. towards
3. from now on, from then on (often used as a particle indicating that the action began at some point in the past or present and continued on into the future or that the action is directed away from the speaker)
4. imperative particle, go ahead and ...! {ញ៉ាំទៅ = Go ahead and eat/drink!}
ខាង kʰaaŋ 1. side, part
2. direction
3. pertaining to, with regard to
ឆ្វេង cveeŋ left, to the left, on the left
ចំណែកឯ cɑmnaek ʔae as for, as to, regarding
ស្ដាំ sdam right, to the right, on the right
Notes: ជើង ដ
ធ្វើ tvəə 1. to do, to make, to work, to prepare
2. to cultivate (a field) {ធ្វើស្រែ = to work in a rice field, be a farmer, grow rice}
បែប baep kind, sort, model, type, style, form, shape, method, way
ដើម្បី daəmbəy in order to, for, to, toward, reserved for
កុំឲ្យ kom ʔaoy 1. in order that not ..., so as not to ...
2. don't let ...
ការ kaa 1. commonly occurs as a nominalizing particle deriving abstract nouns or noun phrases from verbs or verb phrases
2. work, occupation
3. business, affair, matter
4. to protect, defend, prevent
5. to marry
6. marriage
7. wedding
8. interest (e.g., on a loan)
9. profit
10. usury
11. to wind (into a skein/bobbin/reel)
12. to spin (silk)
ច្រឡូកច្រឡំ crɑlouk crɑlɑm to be confused, mixed up, mingled together
គ្នា knie 1. together
2. mutually, reciprocally
3. I/me/my (informal, intimate)
4. he/she/they/we (informal, intimate)
5. assistant, helper, colleague
6. friend, companion
7. people
8. clf. for persons
រវាង rɔvieŋ 1. between
2. during
ព្រោះ prʊəh because (of), since
ថា tʰaa 1. to say, tell, pronounce
2. that (introduces a question or indirect discourse)
3. I've [just] said, [...]
ប្រសិនបើ prɑsən baə if
បោក baok 1. to beat (against a fixed object), smash, to slam, throw violently
2. to do the laundry, to wash clothes {បោកខោអាវ = to do the laundry, to wash clothes}
3. to launder, wash by beating
4. to overthrow
5. to throw oneself to the ground
6. to thresh
7. to cheat, dupe, swindle, trick
ជាមួយនឹង cie muəy nɨŋ 1. together, along with
2. with
ច្របូកច្របល់ crɑbouk crɑbal to be mixed up, confused
វា vie 1. it (of animals, things, or very young children)
2. he, she, they (familiar or contemptuous)
អាច ʔaac 1. to be able/qualified (to do something), capable of (doing something)
2. to be possible
3. to be in condition (to), be in a position (to)
4. to dare to
នឹង nɨŋ future tense marker: will, about to
ប្រឡាក់ prɑlak 1. dirty, soiled, stained
2. salty
3. to marinate, to salt (in order to preserve)
ពេលខ្លះ peel klah sometimes
ដូចជា douc cie such as, like, as though, to seem as though, for instance
ពាក់ peak 1. to wear (shirt, hat, ring, shoes, but not pants)
2. to put on
3. to hang up, suspend, hang on
ខៀវ kʰiəv blue, green (generally covering the spectrum of colors which includes blues and greens)
ពេល peel 1. time
2. moment, instant, period of time
គេ kee 1. he, she
2. one, someone
3. other(s)
ជ្រលក់ crɔlʊək 1. to dip (into a liquid)
2. to soak
ថ្នាំ tnam 1. medicine
2. herb, tobacco
3. paint
អត់ ʔɑt 1. no, not
2. to be without, lacking
3. to restrain oneself, abstain from
4. particle to form yes/no questions
ល្អ lʔɑɑ 1. good, nice, beautiful, pretty
2. correct, proper
ជាមួយ cie muəy with
មក mɔɔk 1. to come (toward the speaker in space or time)
2. to come to/towards (often used as a final particle indicating that the action began at some point in the past and continued up to the present)
3. (from then) on, (from that time) forth
4. to, toward
ជាក់ជា ceak cie surely
មិនខាន mɨn kʰaan certainly, without fail
ដូច្នេះ doucneh 1. so, thus, therefore
2. like this
ហើយ haǝy 1. to be finished, ended, completed
2. enough!
3. final particle indicating completed action, already, by now
4. in a future context indicates action that will be completed at some future time
5. and, afterwards, next, then, after that
ក៏ kɑɑ marker of sequential or consecutive action: also, so, then, therefore, accordingly
បាន baan 1. to have completed/done something
2. to intend to complete something
3. marker of completed action
4. to get, obtain, acquire, to achieve, have been able to, to get/have the opportunity to do something
5. to get someone or something to do something (often translated by the English passive in this sense)
6. to be able to
7. not ... until, then and only then
8. to pass to someone through inheritance
9. to be OK, fine, all right
10. [spoken language] however, though, in contrast {ម្សិលមិញបានក្ដៅខ្លាំង = yesterday, however, it was very hot}
11. {បានហើយ = I'm done, I give up, I'm finished (depending on the context)}
ចំណែក cɑmnaek 1. as for, as to, regarding
2. part, division, portion, fragment, quotient 
ផ្សេង pseeŋ to differ, to be different (from each other), to be separate