Cutting One’s Finger (Sakanan) — 07

នៅក្នុងរូបភាពទីនៅក្នុងរូបភាពទីយើងឃើញថា បន្ទាប់ពីលាងដៃរួចហើយ បុរសម្នាក់នោះ គាត់បានយកសំឡីមួយដុំ បាទ សំឡីមួយដុំ សំឡីគឺមានពណ៌ អញ្ចឹងគាត់បានយកសំឡីមក ហើយគាត់បានយកខ្ទប់ ខ្ទប់ទៅនឹងមុខរបួសរបស់គាត់ ឬក៏ខ្ទប់ទៅនឹងដៃស្ដាំដែលមានរបួស អញ្ចឹងគាត់យកសំឡីមក ដើម្បីខ្ទប់ទៅមុខរបួសកុំឲ្យហូរឈាម ហើយគាត់ជូតឈាមនោះចេញ យើងឃើញថានៅក្នុងរូបភាពនេះ គាត់បានធ្វើមុខជូរ បាទ បុរសនោះគាត់ធ្វើមុខជូរ ដោយបើកភ្នែកតូចហើយមាត់គាត់ស្រួច អញ្ចឹងគាត់ធ្វើមុខបែបនេះគឺបានន័យថាមុខជូរ គឺបានន័យថាគាត់កំពុងតែឈឺ អញ្ចឹងហើយគាត់បានយកសំឡីមកជូតឈាមចេញ ដើម្បីកុំឲ្យប្រឡាក់ដៃគាត់ទៀត ហើយគាត់យកសំឡីនោះទៅខ្ទប់លើមុខរបួសដើម្បីឃាត់ឈាម អញ្ចឹងនៅពេលដែលយើងមុតដៃ កុំ យើងមិនត្រូវប្រើប្រាស់របស់ដែលកខ្វក់នោះទេ យើងត្រូវប្រើសំឡី ក្រណាត់ដែលស្អាត ដើម្បីជូតឈាមចេញ ព្រោះថានៅពេលដែលយើងប្រើប្រាស់របស់កខ្វក់ មេរោគដែលនៅរបស់កខ្វក់នោះ អាចនឹងជ្រាបចូលក្នុងខ្លួនរបស់យើងតាមរយៈមុខរបួស ដូច្នេះហើយយើងត្រូវធ្វើតាមបុរសម្នាក់នេះ បាទ បុរសម្នាក់នេះ គាត់បានយកសំឡីមកខ្ទប់មុខរបួស ហើយនិងឃាត់ឈាម ដើម្បីកុំឲ្យឈាមហូរ ធ្វើបែបនេះគឺការរក្សាអនាម័យខ្លួនប្រាណរបស់គាត់កុំឲ្យមានមេរោគ

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នៅ nɨv 1. in, at
2. to be located at, to live in or at, to reside, to stay, to be in
3. still, yet (pre-verbal marker of a durative or continuative aspect, as a final particle in the tag question ហើយឬនៅ it means 'yet' and as a reply to a question of this kind, it means 'not yet') {ញ៉ាំអីហើយនៅ? = Have you eaten already?}
ក្នុង knoŋ 1. in, inside
2. during + (time word)
រូបភាព ruup pʰiep 1. image, picture, drawing, photo
2. appearance, form, shape
ទី tii 1. particle used to form ordinal numbers
2. spot, place, location
3. rank, function, service
យើង yəəŋ 1. we
2. I (familiar)
3. in final position used to refer to 'our Cambodian ...' {ទុរេនកំពតយើងមែន? = Kampot durian (from our country, Cambodia), right?}
ឃើញ kʰəəɲ 1. to see, to perceive
2. to understand, to recognize
3. គិត ... ឃើញ = to find a solution, figure out, solve
4. to come to a conclusion, realize, understand
ថា tʰaa 1. to say, tell, pronounce
2. that (introduces a question or indirect discourse)
3. I've [just] said, [...]
បន្ទាប់ពី bɑntoap pii after, next
លាង lieŋ 1. to wash, to clean (with a liquid)
2. to purify, to clear
ដៃ day 1. arm, hand
2. handle, lever, crank
3. branch (of a tree, bamboo, or a river), offshoot
4. tendril
5. trunk (of an elephant)
6. sleeve
7. steering wheel
8. clf. for handfuls of young rice plants/grass
9. clf. for slaps
10. command to an elephant not to move its trunk or not to pull up something with its trunk
11. clf. for a bunch of 10 areca nuts
រួច ruəc 1. to finish, end, achieve, complete
2. indicates the possibility of completing the action of the main verb, to be able
3. already, then, after that
ហើយ haǝy 1. to be finished, ended, completed
2. enough!
3. final particle indicating completed action, already, by now
4. in a future context indicates action that will be completed at some future time
5. and, afterwards, next, then, after that
បុរស boʔrɑh man, male person
ម្នាក់ mneak 1. one person (contraction of មួយនាក់)
2. alone
នោះ nuh 1. that, those (often serves simply to emphasize something already referred to or something distant in time or space)
2. then
គាត់ koat 1. he/him/his
2. she/her
3. they/them/their (formal/polite 3rd person pronoun)
4. you/your (intimate)
បាន baan 1. to have completed/done something
2. to intend to complete something
3. marker of completed action
4. to get, obtain, acquire, to achieve, have been able to, to get/have the opportunity to do something
5. to get someone or something to do something (often translated by the English passive in this sense)
6. to be able to
7. not ... until, then and only then
8. to pass to someone through inheritance
9. to be OK, fine, all right
10. [spoken language] however, though, in contrast {ម្សិលមិញបានក្ដៅខ្លាំង = yesterday, however, it was very hot}
11. {បានហើយ = I'm done, I give up, I'm finished (depending on the context)}
យក yɔɔk 1. to take (in one's hand or with oneself), hold
2. when ordering: I’ll take, I’ll have {យកបបរគ្រឿងសាច់ជ្រូកម៉ាចាន = I’ll have a bowl of pork porridge}
3. to take (away)
4. to steal
5. to bring
6. to borrow
7. to get, obtain, achieve
សំឡី sɑmləy 1. wadding, fiber of certain plants such as cotton or kapok
2. cotton floss
3. cotton pad
មួយ muəy 1. one {មួយៗ = one by one}
2. one person/myself {សុំចេញមួយ = Please let me [go] out!} {សុំទៅមួយ = Please give way [for me one person]!} {សុំចុះមួយ = Please let me [one person] get off [the bus]!}
ដុំ dom 1. piece, chunk, lump, mass, part, block
2. cluster, bunch
3. packet, bundle
បាទ baat male politeness particle, also used to answer in the affirmative, or agree to or acknowledge a statement
គឺ kɨɨ 1. to be (equal to)
2. as follows, namely
មាន mien 1. to have, possess, own
2. to exist, there is, there are
3. to be rich, own property
4. indicates the accomplishment of an action, to happen to, to have occasion to
Notes: in spoken Khmer, negated មាន (មិនមាន or គ្មាន) can be contracted into មាន, e.g., មានអ្នកណាចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there's nobody who wants to meet you’ — contrast this with the affirmative: មានគេចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there’s somebody who wants to meet you’
ពណ៌ poa color, complexion
sɑɑ color: white
អញ្ចឹង ʔɑɲcəŋ 1. in that case, so, then, therefore
2. like this/that
3. this/that much
មក mɔɔk 1. to come (toward the speaker in space or time)
2. to come to/towards (often used as a final particle indicating that the action began at some point in the past and continued up to the present)
3. (from then) on, (from that time) forth
4. to, toward
ខ្ទប់ ktup 1. to shut/close, to enclose, to cover
2. to shut in, block, fence in
ទៅ tɨv 1. to go (away from the speaker in space or time), to go to/towards, go on, continue, advance, go away
2. towards
3. from now on, from then on (often used as a particle indicating that the action began at some point in the past or present and continued on into the future or that the action is directed away from the speaker)
4. imperative particle, go ahead and ...! {ញ៉ាំទៅ = Go ahead and eat/drink!}
នឹង nɨŋ with, by (means of), (attached) to
មុខរបួស muk rɔbuəh wound
របស់ rɔbɑh 1. object, thing, belonging, property
2. of, belonging to
ឬក៏ rɨɨ kɑɑ or (on the other hand)
ស្ដាំ sdam right, to the right, on the right
Notes: ជើង ដ
ដែល dael 1. who, whom, which, where, when
2. of/to/in/at which/whom
3. the fact/reason that
4. ever, happened to, having done at least once, having been to, already, always, had occasion to, have ever {អត់ដែលដឹងសោះ = I’ve never known this!}
របួស rɔbuəh 1. to be injured, wounded
2. wound, injury
ដើម្បី daəmbəy in order to, for, to, toward, reserved for
ទៅមុខ tɨv muk 1. to go forward, to advance, to go in front
2. forward
កុំឲ្យ kom ʔaoy 1. in order that not ..., so as not to ...
2. don't let ...
ហូរ hou 1. to flow, stream, pour
2. to trot (especially of cattle or water buffalo)
3. to be fluent
4. fluently, eloquently
5. in a flowing manner
ឈាម cʰiem blood
ជូត cuut 1. to wipe (off), clean (off), dry (with a towel)
2. to dust
3. to rub, polish
ចេញ cəɲ 1. to go out, leave, emerge, exit
2. to issue, bring out, come out (of a publication)
3. to emit, utter
4. out, off, away (also figuratively) {ខ្ញុំគិតអត់ចេញ = I can't figure it out}
5. to pay out, pay for, lay out (money), spend
6. to gain, earn, save
7. to play (a card)
នេះ nih 1. this, these
2. often serves simply to emphasize something already referred to or something nearby in time or space
ធ្វើ tvəə 1. to do, to make, to work, to prepare
2. to cultivate (a field) {ធ្វើស្រែ = to work in a rice field, be a farmer, grow rice}
មុខជូរ muk cuu wry face, grimace, sour face
ដោយ daoy 1. by, with, along
2. (indicator of an adverb) in a ... manner
3. because
បើក baək 1. to open {បើកប្រអប់ = to open a box} {បើកហាង = to open a shop}
2. to turn on (e.g., a light, faucet, radio) {បើកទឹកម៉ាស៊ីន = to turn on the water/faucet}
3. of the sun: to shine
4. to drive (an automobile), generally to operate a vehicle which is powered by an engine
ភ្នែក pnɛɛk 1. eye
2. cell on the skin of a pineapple
3. future
4. to be next, forthcoming
តូច touc, tuuc 1. small, little, tiny
2. minor
មាត់ moat 1. mouth
2. bank, shore (of a river, lake, sea)
3. opening (e.g., of a jar or bag)
ស្រួច sruəc 1. to be pointed, sharp and pointed, sharpened to a point, tapering
2. to be keen, acute
ធ្វើមុខ tvəə muk 1. to make a face {ធ្វើមុខអីអីចឹង? = Why are you making such a face?}
2. to put on make-up
បែប baep kind, sort, model, type, style, form, shape, method, way
បានន័យថា baan ney tʰaa 1. that means, in other words
2. to mean
កំពុងតែ kɑmpuŋ tae to be in the process of (doing something)
ឈឺ cʰɨɨ to be sick, to hurt, to be in pain
ប្រឡាក់ prɑlak 1. dirty, soiled, stained
2. salty
3. to marinate, to salt (in order to preserve)
ទៀត tiət 1. again, still, more, further, yet, additional
2. to be different, other
លើ ləə 1. up, on, over, above
2. to be on, over, above, located on top
3. in regard to, concerning, toward, for, against
ឃាត់ kʰoat 1. to forbid, stop (from doing), prevent, restrain
2. to detain
3. to ban
4. to control
ពេល peel 1. time
2. moment, instant, period of time
មុត mut 1. to be sharp
2. to cut, pierce, stab
3. to be cut, stabbed
4. hard, tough, firm, brave
កុំ kom do not ...
មិន mɨn negative particle not, non- (usually requires the final particle ទេ)
ត្រូវ trəv 1. must, have to
2. to be correct, right, proper, exact, accurate
3. to concern, have to do with, to agree/jibe with, coincide with
4. to be affected with/by, to suffer, undergo (ត្រូវ + CLAUSE marks a passive-like construction in which the subject of the clause introduced by ត្រូវ is translated as the agent in the passive construction)
ប្រើប្រាស់ praə prah to use
កខ្វក់ kɑkvɑk to be dirty, polluted, stained
ទេ tee 1. particle: negative particle occurring in phrase final position especially after មិន, ពុំ, etc.
2. interrogative particle occurring in phrase final position, often in the combination ឬទេ
3. neutral/positive particle to add emphasis {ខ្ញុំសុខសប្បាយទេ = I'm fine!} {យកតែមួយទេ = I’ll take only one!}
ប្រើ praə to use
rɨɨ 1. or
2. phrase-final interrogative particle {មិនមែនឬ = Isn't it true?}
ក្រណាត់ krɑnat cloth, fabric
ស្អាត sʔaat 1. to be clean, nice, neat
2. pure, chaste
3. smart (of someone's appearance)
4. nice-looking, beautiful
ព្រោះ prʊəh because (of), since
មេរោគ mee rook micro-organism, germ, virus, microbe
អាច ʔaac 1. to be able/qualified (to do something), capable of (doing something)
2. to be possible
3. to be in condition (to), be in a position (to)
4. to dare to
នឹង nɨŋ future tense marker: will, about to
ជ្រាបចូល criep coul 1. to permeate, infiltrate
2. to infer, imply
ខ្លួន kluən 1. body, figure, person, self
2. reflexive pronoun: myself, yourself, himself etc.
តាមរយៈ taam reaʔyeaʔ 1. by means of
2. through, by way of, via, through the mediation (of someone)
ដូច្នេះ doucneh 1. so, thus, therefore
2. like this
តាម taam 1. to follow, to agree, to go along {ដើរតាមភ្ញៀវគ្រប់ជំហាន = to follow the customer’s every step}
2. according to, in accordance with, following, along, by, through {តាមអាយុ = according to age} {តាមសម្រួល = take it easy/take your time}
3. on, in, along {ជិះម៉ូតូតាមផ្លូវ = to ride a motorbike on the street} {ជិះតាមផ្លូវតូចៗ = to drive on small roads} {នៅតាមខេត្ត = in/throughout the province} {លក់នៅតាមផ្សារ = to sell in the market}
ហើយនិង haǝy nɨŋ and (followed by the last in a series), with
ការ kaa 1. commonly occurs as a nominalizing particle deriving abstract nouns or noun phrases from verbs or verb phrases
2. work, occupation
3. business, affair, matter
4. to protect, defend, prevent
5. to marry
6. marriage
7. wedding
8. interest (e.g., on a loan)
9. profit
10. usury
11. to wind (into a skein/bobbin/reel)
12. to spin (silk)
រក្សា reaksaa 1. to take care of, protect
2. to keep, maintain
3. to observe, pay attention to, watch
អនាម័យ ʔaʔnaamay 1. hygiene, sanitation
2. health
ខ្លួនប្រាណ kluən praan 1. body, physique
2. oneself