Indicating disagreement — Dialogue 2

ផានិតសិក្ខាសាលាង៉ៃហ្នឹងអត់សូវមានអ្នកម៉ោសោះម៉ោពីប្រធានបទហ្នឹង គេអត់សូវចាប់អារម្មណ៍មែនហ្ន៎?
សុគន្ធខ្ញុំគិតថាមិនមែនម៉ោពីប្រធានបទអេ៎ម៉ោពីយើងដាក់ម៉ោងអត់សូវល្អ គេពិបាកម៉ោ
ផានិតប៉ុន្តែ ខ្ញុំឃើញសិក្ខាសាលាផ្សេងគេដាក់ម៉ោងហ្នឹងដែរតាសម៉ោពីម៉ោងយើងជាន់ជាមួយម៉ោងគេ ហើយគេទៅសិក្ខាសាលាផ្សេងអស់ទេដឹង
សុគន្ធវាមិនដែលបើយើងគិតមើលទៅ អ្នកដែលពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងប្រធានបទង៉ៃហ្នឹងក៏មិនសូវមានច្រើនដែរទេ ហើយអ្នកដែលអត់សូវពាក់ព័ន្ធ ប្រហែលគេគិតថាអ៊ឹស អត់សូវពាក់ព័ន្ធផង ខ្ជិលទៅម៉ងទៅ”។
ផានិតហ្នឹងហើយ អាហ្នឹងមិនដូចខ្ញុំនិយាយដែរ? ថាប្រធានបទយើងអត់សូវមានអ្នកចាប់អារម្មណ៍

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សិក្ខាសាលា sekkʰaa saalaa, səkkʰaa saalaa 1. seminary
2. seminar
មាន mien 1. to have, possess, own
2. to exist, there is, there are
3. to be rich, own property
4. indicates the accomplishment of an action, to happen to, to have occasion to
Notes: in spoken Khmer, negated មាន (មិនមាន or គ្មាន) can be contracted into មាន, e.g., មានអ្នកណាចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there's nobody who wants to meet you’ — contrast this with the affirmative: មានគេចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there’s somebody who wants to meet you’
អ្នក neak 1. you (to equals of both sexes)
2. person, one who... (used as an agentive particle to create nouns from predicatives)
ចូលរួម coul ruəm 1. to join (an organization)
2. to participate (in something), attend (e.g., a conference)
តិច təc 1. to be few (in number), small (in size or extent), less
2. a little bit, somewhat
3. phrase-final: makes a request more polite {ចង់ពឹងឲ្យជួយលើកអីវ៉ាន់តិច = Can you please help me carrying these things?} {ខ្ញុំសុំលអាវនេះតិចបានអេ៎? = Can I try on this shirt here, please?}
4. phrase-initial: expressing concern {តិចមានបញ្ហាអីទៅ បង? = Will this be a problem?}
ផានិត pʰaanɨt male Cambodian name
ង៉ៃហ្នឹង ŋay nɨŋ spoken form of ថ្ងៃនេះ = today
អត់សូវ ʔɑt səv 1. not so much
2. rather not
ម៉ោ mao 1. to come (toward the speaker in space or time)
2. to come to/towards (often used as a final particle indicating that the action began at some point in the past and continued up to the present)
3. (from then) on, (from that time) forth
4. to, toward
Notes: spoken form of មក
សោះ sɑh 1. final particle: (in negative clauses) at all, in the least, completely, utterly, absolutely, finally
2. to be completely out of
3. to be empty, devoid of content
4. to be tasteless, insipid, flavorless, lifeless
5. tired, exhausted
6. pale, anemic
7. it’s just … {សំឡេងទូរស័ព្ទសោះ = it’s just the sound of the phone}
ម៉ោពី mao pii 1. because of
2. to result from
Notes: spoken form of មកពី
ប្រធានបទ prɑtʰien bɑt topic
ហ្នឹង nɨŋ this, that, right here, right now (colloquial form of នេះ = this, that)
គេ kee 1. he, she
2. one, someone
3. other(s)
ចាប់អារម្មណ៍ cap ʔaarɑm to be interested in, to be impressed by {គួរឲ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ = interesting}
មែន mɛɛn 1. to be real, true, accurate, to be right, correct, it is true
2. really, actually, indeed
3. as a question tag: [...], really? [...], right?
ហ្ន៎ nɑɑ final particle to soften a statement or request, similar to ណា
សុគន្ធ soʔkʊən male or female Cambodian name
ខ្ញុំ kɲom I
គិត kɨt 1. to think, to realize
2. to calculate
3. to charge
4. គិត ... ឃើញ = to find a solution, figure out, solve
5. to come to a conclusion, realize, understand
ថា tʰaa 1. to say, tell, pronounce
2. that (introduces a question or indirect discourse)
3. I've [just] said, [...]
មិនមែន mɨn mɛɛn no, not, is not
អេ៎ ʔee 1. spoken form of the question particles ... អត់? or ... ទេ?
2. spoken form of the negation particle ទេ
3. hey!
Notes: colloquial
យើង yəəŋ 1. we
2. I (familiar)
3. in final position used to refer to 'our Cambodian ...' {ទុរេនកំពតយើងមែន? = Kampot durian (from our country, Cambodia), right?}
ដាក់ dak 1. to put, place
2. to deposit
3. to add (ingredients)
4. to set (e.g., a trap)
5. to establish
6. to assign
7. to locate, settle, station
8. to lock up
9. to fasten
10. to use
11. to strike, hit hard
12. to affect
13. to subject someone to
14. to be hard hit, suffer a setback
15. to have bad luck, cause bad luck
16. to feel unwell, have an upset stomach (especially after eating certain fruits)
17. to contract for
18. to subscribe to
19. to renounce (a throne)
20. to put aside (religious vows)
21. in, into, on
22. to eat, drink
23. to kneel
24. command to an elephant to kneel by bending the rear legs
ម៉ោង maoŋ 1. hour
2. o'clock
3. clock, time {សប្បាយពេកភ្លេចមើលម៉ោង = it was so much fun that I forgot to watch the clock} {គាត់សល់ម៉ោងច្រើនដែរ = she still has a lot of time}
ល្អ lʔɑɑ 1. good, nice, beautiful, pretty
2. correct, proper
ពិបាក piʔbaak 1. difficult {ការទិញអីវ៉ាន់នៅខ្មែររៀងពិបាកបន្តិច = buying things in Cambodia is a bit difficult/not easy} {តែពិបាកត្រង់ ឆាប់ងងុយដេក = the problem is: I’m getting tired easily}
2. sad, poor, miserable
3. to suffer
ប៉ុន្តែ pontae but, however
Notes: ជើង ត; root: តែ
ឃើញ kʰəəɲ 1. to see, to perceive
2. to understand, to recognize
3. គិត ... ឃើញ = to find a solution, figure out, solve
4. to come to a conclusion, realize, understand
ផ្សេង pseeŋ to differ, to be different (from each other), to be separate
ដែរ dae 1. also, too, likewise, in the same way
2. indeed, quite, rather
3. marks a polite, gentler, less abrupt statement: all the same, even so, nevertheless
តាស taah 1. particle in final position when giving a positive answer to a yes/no question {កន្លែងនេះអង្គុយបានអេ៎? ចា៎ស បានតាស។ = Can I sit here? Sure!}
2. particle in final position used to affirm the preceding {ល្អតាស! = Sounds good!}
3. particle in final position after a negative response: expresses that the preceding is a correction of what the other person has said {ធារីមែន? អត់ទេ ខ្ញុំកញ្ញាតាស។ = You’re ធារី, right? No, I’m កញ្ញា!} {ឯងទៅសាលាមែន? អត់ទេ ខ្ញុំទៅផ្សារតាស។ = You’re going to school, right? No, I’m going to the market!}
Notes: colloquial; spoken form of ទេតើ
ជាន់ coan 1. floor, story, level, stage, class, status
2. to step on, trample on, walk on
3. of events: to overlap
4. to dominate, to control, administer, be in charge of
5. to pound (grain in a mortar using a foot-powered pestle)
6. to strike repeatedly
7. (of animals) to mount/mate with
8. surrounding wall, fortification
9. period of time
10. (especially of an evil spirit or bad influence) to possess, take possession of
ជាមួយ cie muəy with
ហើយ haǝy 1. to be finished, ended, completed
2. enough!
3. final particle indicating completed action, already, by now
4. in a future context indicates action that will be completed at some future time
5. and, afterwards, next, then, after that
ទៅ tɨv 1. to go (away from the speaker in space or time), to go to/towards, go on, continue, advance, go away
2. towards
3. from now on, from then on (often used as a particle indicating that the action began at some point in the past or present and continued on into the future or that the action is directed away from the speaker)
4. imperative particle, go ahead and ...! {ញ៉ាំទៅ = Go ahead and eat/drink!}
អស់ ʔɑh 1. to consume, use up, run low/short (of something) {អស់ហើយ = [a product, food etc.] finished/sold out}
2. to end, finish, terminate, come to an end
3. entirety, completeness, wholeness
4. to be complete, whole
5. entirely, completely
6. all (of), the whole (of)
7. to have to spend {អស់ម៉ាម៉ឺនទទេ = I had to pay 10’000 for no reason!}
ទេដឹង tee dəŋ clause-final: maybe, perhaps
វា vie 1. it (of animals, things, or very young children)
2. he, she, they (familiar or contemptuous)
មិនដែល mɨn dael 1. never [to have done something] (used only for past actions)
2. nonsense {វាមិនដែល = មិនដែលអេ៎ = it is nonsense}
បើ baə 1. if, may be
2. although
មើលទៅ məəl tɨv maybe, perhaps, probably, it seems that {គិតមើលទៅ = [after] thinking [for a while], it seems that/I can say that/maybe}
ដែល dael 1. who, whom, which, where, when
2. of/to/in/at which/whom
3. the fact/reason that
4. ever, happened to, having done at least once, having been to, already, always, had occasion to, have ever {អត់ដែលដឹងសោះ = I’ve never known this!}
ពាក់ព័ន្ធ peak poan 1. to be intertwined, entangled
2. to be connected to, relevant, related to, interrelated, implicated
3. to concern
នឹង nɨŋ with, by (means of), (attached) to
ក៏ kɑɑ marker of sequential or consecutive action: also, so, then, therefore, accordingly
មិនសូវ mɨn səv 1. not so much
2. rather not
ច្រើន craən 1. much, many, numerous, very much
2. mostly, often
ទេ tee 1. particle: negative particle occurring in phrase final position especially after មិន, ពុំ, etc.
2. interrogative particle occurring in phrase final position, often in the combination ឬទេ
3. neutral/positive particle to add emphasis {ខ្ញុំសុខសប្បាយទេ = I'm fine!} {យកតែមួយទេ = I’ll take only one!}
ប្រហែល prɑhael 1. about, approximately
2. resembling, similar to, nearly identical
3. almost
4. maybe, probably, it is possible that, perhaps
អ៊ឹស ʔɨh exclamation
ផង pʰɑɑŋ 1. also, too, as well
2. marker indicating entreaty or a polite request: please ..., would you ...
ខ្ជិល kcɨl 1. lazy
2. careless
ម៉ង mɑɑŋ 1. immediately, at once, right away
2. all of a sudden
3. generally, in general
4. totally
Notes: spoken form of តែម្ដង
ហ្នឹងហើយ nɨŋ haǝy 1. yeah, yes, right, correct, that's correct
2. ok, all right
Notes: colloquial
អាហ្នឹង ʔaa nɨŋ this thing, that thing
Notes: less polite, used in casual conversation; see also អានោះ
មិន mɨn negative particle not, non- (usually requires the final particle ទេ)
ដូច douc alike, similar, like, as
និយាយ niʔyiey to speak, say, talk, relate, tell, to narrate, to talk over, discuss